Roofs are among the most demanding components of a building, as they have to withstand a variety of external influences. One of the most common challenges in roof construction is ensuring that the roof is watertight. Even the smallest defects in the design or choice of materials can lead to moisture penetrating the building. This can have serious consequences, such as mold growth, material damage or impairment of the building fabric.
Another common problem with roofs is the undersizing of the supporting structure. Roofs are often not planned to be sufficiently stable to withstand exceptional loads, such as large amounts of snow. Especially in regions with heavy snowfall, the snow load can exert enormous forces on the roof structure. If the statics are not carefully designed to withstand these additional loads, deformations, cracks or even collapses can occur in extreme cases.
In addition to the snow load, other factors such as wind forces and temperature fluctuations also play a significant role. Strong winds can exert large tensile and compressive forces on the roof, while high temperature differences lead to material expansion, which creates tension in the roof structure. These aspects must also be taken into account when planning a roof in order to ensure long-term stability and safety.
We offer the following engineering services.
We are engineers with in-depth knowledge in the fields of glass, façade, steel and metal construction. Our basic training is in craftsmanship, which allows us to think practically.
Thanks to our further training in engineering, business management, welding technology and energy, we are able to optimize our solutions. We are constantly training ourselves and are familiar with the latest standards, laws and developments.